Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

This year, I've started creating and implementing six-week units that draw inspiration from the Common Core themes. Halloween falls right after the first unit, so some of my classes took the week off to work on special Halloween projects. In other classes, students managed to get in spooky themes even though their long-term assignments weren't Halloween-based! Here are a few of my favorites: 

Annabelle, Grade 4

While Kindergarten worked on pumpkins and eighth grade worked on skeletons, grades 3 and 4 added spooky elements to other projects. Grade 4 finished up their self-portraits, using color and expression to portray a specific emotion. Grade 3 continued work on their tall tales unit - after listening to several tall tales, such as John Henry and Pecos Bill, students were asked to illustrate their own tall tale explaining how the New York City subway system was created. Keep an eye out for a ghost train and drilling dinosaurs!

Jason, Grade 4                                                                    Melanie, Grade 4

Victoria, Grade 3

Olivia, Kindergarten                                                        Ibrahim, Kindergarten

Joshua, Grade 3

A slightly spooky story from Matthew, Grade 3

'Tom was about 50 years old and he lived in a log cabin. He spent his time on thinking on an invention to make people travel quicker. He just remembered that when he was little his mom bought him a wooden toy, it looked like a... Well, it kind of looked like a car, He was thinking of a word and he wanted to be with these letters - t i a r n - and he said, "TRAIN." He went to his carving shop and worked and worked but there was a fire and Tom died.'

Shayna, Grade 8                                                                   Isaiah, Kindergarten

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